Other Reports

Transmission Adequacy and Strength of Interconnection Capacity of States in India for future RE Integration, Market and Decarbonization

By - Subrata Mukhopadhyay, Sushil K Soonee, Deb Chattopadhyay, Abishek R S, K V N Pawan Kumar, Pradeep Reddy, MVD Raghava (2024) 

The paper provides a broader context of the India power system, need for augmentation and strengthening of inter-state and cross-border interconnections, diminish the necessity for constructing new capital-intensive power plants and seamless integration of renewables into energy markets.


Transmission Reform Agenda and Action Plan for India

By - Idam Infra and Prayas (Energy Group) (2021)
This study focuses on potential solutions to address the challenges around optimal transmission capacity planning and additions and will thereby enable investment for faster development of transmission infrastructure in India.


Grid Impact for High RE Scenarios in Southern India

By - CSTEP (2021)
Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) conducted a multistep RE planning study, involving a comprehensive examination of the power-transfer capacity of the existing and upcoming transmission network with an objective to evaluate the implications of integrating large amounts of renewables-based power into the grid.


Grid Integration study for Offshore Wind Farm development in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu

By - FOWIND (2017)
This report addresses the key question on how to prepare the state power systems to connect offshore wind project in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. The report deals with preparation needed for grid integration and facilitating offshore grid development. It further provides a review of the existing suite of the most relevant grid codes to ensure that they are suitable for development of offshore wind projects in India.


Power Transmission: The Real Bottleneck

By - FICCI (2013)
As the name suggests, the report, while glancing over the overview of transmission sector in India, highlights the challenges faced in the sector. Apart from this, the report recommends some changes in order to attract greater investment and active participation from the private sector.
