National Committee on Transmission
The Ministry of Power (MoP) through its notification dated 13th April 2018, had constituted the National Committee on Transmission (NCT) with identified Terms of Reference for the Committee. It was reconstituted again by a MoP notification dated 4th November 2019 with revised Terms of Reference. The committee is now mandated to evaluate the functioning of the National grid, consider the recommendations of the <a href="/sub_modules/Policy/RPC" target="_blank">Regional Power Committee (Transmission Planning) (RPCTP)</a> for system expansion, to evaluate the assessments of CTU and to make Perspective plans for 10-15 years' time horizon. The NCT was further reconstituted by a MoP notification dated 28th October 2021 with revised Terms of Reference. NCT is mandated to approve ISTS projects costing between ₹100 crore and ₹500 crore. For projects above ₹500 crore cost, NCT has to refer them to MoP for approval while for projects less than ₹100 crore cost, the CTU is the authority for approval. In addition to NCT, there were two other bodies involved in transmission system approval, namely, <a href="/sub_modules/Policy/ECT" target="_blank">Empowered Committee on Transmission (ECT)</a> and <a href="/sub_modules/Policy/RPC" target="_blank">Regional Power Committee (Transmission Planning) (RPCTP)</a> (one for each region). ECT was dissolved in 2019 after re-constitution of NCT. Furthemore, RPCTPs were dissolved in Oct, 2021 and NCT has been consulting Regional Power Committees (RPCs) since then. The minutes of meetings held by NCT can be accessed <a href="/Policy/NCT/minutes_of_meeting" target="_blank">here</a>.
Re-constitution of NCT (2019)
- Member(Power System), CEA (Member)
- Member(Economic & Commercial), CEA (Member)
- Joint secretary level officer looking after transmission in MNRE (Member) [To be nominated by secretary, MNRE]
- Director(Trans), MoP (Member)
- CEO, CTU, Powergrid (Member)
- Advisor, NITI Aayog (Member) [To be nominated by NITI Aayog/ CEA]
- Two experts from Power Sector (Members) [To be nominated by the MoP, for a maximum period of 2 years]
- Chief Engineer(from Power System Wing), CEA (Member Secretary) [To be nominated by NITI Aayog/ CEA]
[Clause No. 1]
- Consider the review / recommendations of the RPCTP for system expansion/ strengthening of the transmission system to be presented before the NCT at the end of every quarter i.e. by 15th July, 15th October; 15th January and 15th April.
- CTU, as mandated under the EA, 2003, is to carry out periodic assessment of transmission requirement under ISTS.
- CTU may also take inputs from the markets to identify constraints and congestion in the transmission system.
- After considering the recommendations of the CTU and the Regional Committees, the NCT shall assess the trend of growth in demand and generation in various regions.
- The NCT will also draw up perspective plans, keeping the 10 to 15 years’ time horizon in mind.
- Since the NCT will be looking at the National Transmission System i.e. transmission across regions and across States, therefore, prior concurrence of Regional Power Committees (Transmission Planning) (RPCTPs) will not be relevant.
[Clause No. 2]
[Clause No. 6]
[Clause No. 1(a)]
- To formulate the packages for the transmission schemes for their implementation and to recommend their mode of implementation i.e. TBCB / Regulated Tariff Mechanism
(RTM), as per the existing Tariff Policy.
- To examine the cost of the transmission schemes.
- To allocate the task of carrying out survey amongst CTU, RECTPCL and PFCCL by maintaining a roster.
[Clause No. 1(b)]
[Clause No. 2]