CERC Sharing Regulations

The CERC has issued the Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses regulations dated 15th June 2010 and new regulations dated 4th May 2020. The primary purpose of these regulations is to develop and implement a national transmission tariff framework which is sensitive to distance, direction and quantum of flow of electric energy.

Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses Regulations, 2020

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Resolution By
Notification No. and date
L-1/250/2019/CERC Dated 4th May 2020
To develop and implement a national transmission tariff framework sensitive to distance, direction and quantum of flow
Regulations called as
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Sharing of Inter-State Transmission Charges and Losses) Regulations, 2020
Effective Control period
Date to be separately notified by the Commission
These regulations shall apply to all Designated ISTS Customers (DICs), Inter-State Transmission Licensees, National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC), Regional Load Despatch Centres (RLDCs), State Load Despatch Centres (SLDCs) and Regional Power Committees (RPCs).
Principles of sharing transmission charges
1. The transmission charges shall be shared amongst the DICs on monthly basis based on the Yearly Transmission Charges (YTC).
2. YTCs for transmission system shall be shared on monthly basis by DICs in accordance with Regulations 5 to 8 of these regulations.
3. Long Term Access or Medium Term Open Access for projects covered under Clause (1) of Regulation 13 shall not be considered for apportionment of YTC under Regulations 5 to 8 of these regulations.
4.Sharing of transmission charges for DICs shall be based on the technical and commercial information provided by the DICs, inter-State transmission licensees, NLDC, RLDCs, SLDCs and CTU to the Implementing Agency.
[clause 3]
Processes of sharing transmission charges and losses
1. Transmission charges for DICs shall have National Component (NC), Regional Component (RC), Transformer Component (TC)and AC System Component (ACC)
2. National Component shall be sum of NC Renewable Energy (NC-RE) and NC-HVDC , Regional Component shall be sum of RC-HVDC and YTC for static compensators (STATCOMs), static VAR compensators (SVCs), spare reactors and any other transmission element(s) located in the concerned region, Transformer Component(TC) for a State shall comprise of YTC for inter-connecting transformers (ICTs) planned for drawal of power by the concerned State and AC System Component shall have Usage Based Component (AC-UBC) and Balance Component (AC-BC)
3. Transmission charges for Short Term Open Access Rate (in paise/kWh) shall be published for each billing month by the Implementing Agency which shall be calculated State-wise.
4. Transmission charges for Short Term Open Access shall be payable by generating stations and embedded entities located in the State.
5. No transmission charges for Short Term Open Access, shall be payable by a distribution licensee which has Long Term Access or Medium Term Open Access or both, or by a trading licensee
6. Transmission losses for ISTS shall be calculated on all India average basis by the Implementing Agency for each week.
[chapter 2]
Specific transmission charges applicable for a Designated ISTS Customer
1. No transmission charges and losses for the use of ISTS shall be payable for:
1.1. Generation based on solar power resource for the useful life of the projects commissioned during the period from 1.7.2011 to 30.6.2017
1.2. Generation based on solar or wind power resources for a period of 25 years from the date of commercial operation
2. A generating station or any other sellerwho has been granted LTA or MTOA and has entered into PPA for supply of power, then the transmission charges towards such LTA and MTOA shall be determined at the drawal nodes, and billed to the buyer(s) after COD of generating station or unit(s).
3.When COD of a generating station or unit(s) thereof is delayed and the Associated Transmission System has achieved COD, which is not earlier than its SCOD, the generating station shall pay Yearly Transmission Charges for the Associated Transmission System.
4.A generating station is connected to both ISTS and intra-State transmission system, only ISTS charges and losses shall be applicable on the quantum ofLTA and MTOA corresponding to capacity connected to ISTS.
[chapter 3]
Sharing of Transmission Losses
(1) Transmission losses for ISTS shall be calculated on all India average basis by the Implementing Agency for each week, from Monday to Sunday, as under:
[(In – Dr) / (Ir)] X 100
‘In’ denotes sum of injection into the ISTS at regional nodes for the week;
‘Dr’ denotes sum of drawal from the ISTS at regional nodes for the week;
‘Ir’ denotes sum of injection into the ISTS at regional nodes less injection from projects for the week.

(2) Transmission losses for ISTS shall be considered as zero while preparing injection schedule of DICs including that for Collective Transactions in the Power Exchanges.
(Clause 10)
Accounting of charges
1. The Implementing Agency shall publish transmission charges payable by drawee DICs and injecting DICs with untied LTA for the billing month in Rupee terms.
2.Transmission charges shall be prepared by the Secretariat of the respective Regional Power Committee on the basis of DIC-wise transmission charges for the billing month as furnished by the Implementing Agency and meter readings of all Special Energy Meters for computation of Transmission Deviations, as furnished by respective RLDCs.
[clause 14]
1. The Central Transmission Utility shall, raise the bills for transmission charges, as per the timelines specified.
2. The bills for transmission charges for the DICs shall be raised by the CTU for following three categories:
3.1. The first bill of each billing month shall contain the transmission charges for the billing period
3.2. The second bill shall be raised the quaterly billisi to adjust variations on account of any revision in transmission charges allowed by the Commission
3.3. The third bill shall be raised in each billing month for Transmission Deviation charges, along with the first bill.
[clause 15]
Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
