Tariff Regulations
The CERC has issued the Terms and Conditions of Tariff regulations,2019 which has come into force from 1 April 2019 and will remain valid till 31st March 2024 i.e., for a period of five years. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the tariff of transmission projects having a COD on or after 1st April 2019.
CERC MYT Regulations, 2024
Resolution by
To determine Tariff of Transmission projects having COD on or after 1.4.2024
Regulations called as
"Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions of Tariff) Regulations, 2024
[Clause No. 1.1]"
[Clause No. 1.1]"
Effective Control period
"1.4.2024 to 31.3.2029 (5 years)
[Clause No. 1.2]"
[Clause No. 1.2]"
Cut-off Date
"The last day of the financial year after 36 months from the date of COD of the project.
[Clause No. 3.16]"
[Clause No. 3.16]"
Controllable Factors
"The “controllable factors” shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
a. Efficiency in the implementation of the project not involving approved change in scope of such project, change in statutory levies or change in law
or force majeure events; and
b. Delay in execution of the project on account of contractor or supplier or agency of the generating company or transmission licensee.
[Clause No. 22.1]"
a. Efficiency in the implementation of the project not involving approved change in scope of such project, change in statutory levies or change in law
or force majeure events; and
b. Delay in execution of the project on account of contractor or supplier or agency of the generating company or transmission licensee.
[Clause No. 22.1]"
Un-controllable Factors
"The “uncontrollable factors” shall include but shall not be limited to the following:
a. Force Majeure events;
b. Change in law; and
c. Land acquisition except where the delay is attributable the transmission licensee.
[Clause No. 22.2]"
a. Force Majeure events;
b. Change in law; and
c. Land acquisition except where the delay is attributable the transmission licensee.
[Clause No. 22.2]"
Sharing Norms
"If re-financing or restructuring of loan results in net savings on interest after accounting for cost associated with such refinancing or restructuring, the same shall be shared between the transmission licensee and the beneficiaries, as the case may be, in the ratio of 1:1.
Clause 82.1
The non-tariff net income from rent of land or buildings, eco-tourism, sale of scrap, and advertisements shall be shared between the transmission licensee and the beneficiaries or the long term customers, as the case may be, in the ratio of 1:1.
Clause 84"
Clause 82.1
The non-tariff net income from rent of land or buildings, eco-tourism, sale of scrap, and advertisements shall be shared between the transmission licensee and the beneficiaries or the long term customers, as the case may be, in the ratio of 1:1.
Clause 84"
Norms of operation
"(a) For recovery of Annual Fixed Cost, NATAF shall be as under:
(1) AC system: 98.00%;
(2) HVDC bi-pole links 95.00% and HVDC back-to-back stations: 95.00%:
Provided that the normative annual transmission availability factor of the HVDC bi-pole links shall be 85%for first twelve months from the date of commercial operation.
b) For Incentive, NATAF shall be as under:
(1) AC system: 98.50%;
(2) HVDC bi-pole links and HVDC back-to-back Stations: 97.50%:
Provided that no Incentive shall be payable for availability beyond 99.75%:
Clause 72"
(1) AC system: 98.00%;
(2) HVDC bi-pole links 95.00% and HVDC back-to-back stations: 95.00%:
Provided that the normative annual transmission availability factor of the HVDC bi-pole links shall be 85%for first twelve months from the date of commercial operation.
b) For Incentive, NATAF shall be as under:
(1) AC system: 98.50%;
(2) HVDC bi-pole links and HVDC back-to-back Stations: 97.50%:
Provided that no Incentive shall be payable for availability beyond 99.75%:
Clause 72"